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External benchmark and learn, internal review and summary, Winning before fighting

External benchmark means that we learn about best practices and successes from other companies, industries or fields. By observing and analyzing the strategies, processes and methods of other successful people, valuable insights and inspiration can be gained. It can help companies or individuals identify their own shortcomings and learn from the successes of others to enhance their competitiveness.

Internal review and summary refers to reflecting on and summarizing one’s actions and processes to identify the causes of success and failures and to learn from them. Re-learning involves analyzing and evaluating past decisions, behaviors, and outcomes to understand what has been successful and what needs to be improved. This internal process of reflection and learning can help an individual or organization develop more effective strategies and approaches.

“Winning before fighting” emphasizes the need to be well prepared and to ensure that one is capable and competitive in the fight before achieving victory. This means that before entering a competitive environment, one needs to enhance one’s capabilities through learning and review to ensure a greater chance of success. It is only through thorough preparation that one can be victorious in the competition

External benchmark and learn, internal review and summary, Winning before fighting is an expression of YIMEILI management and competitive strategy. It emphasizes learning from excellent external rivals or industry benchmarks, and reflecting on and summarizing one’s own processes in order to win in competition.

External benchmark and learn, internal review and summary, Winning before fighting

External benchmark means that we learn about best practices and successes from other companies, industries or fields. By observing and analyzing the strategies, processes and methods of other successful people, valuable insights and inspiration can be gained. It can help companies or individuals identify their own shortcomings and learn from the successes of others to enhance their competitiveness.

Internal review and summary refers to reflecting on and summarizing one’s actions and processes to identify the causes of success and failures and to learn from them. Re-learning involves analyzing and evaluating past decisions, behaviors, and outcomes to understand what has been successful and what needs to be improved. This internal process of reflection and learning can help an individual or organization develop more effective strategies and approaches.

“Winning before fighting” emphasizes the need to be well prepared and to ensure that one is capable and competitive in the fight before achieving victory. This means that before entering a competitive environment, one needs to enhance one’s capabilities through learning and review to ensure a greater chance of success. It is only through thorough preparation that one can be victorious in the competition

External benchmark and learn, internal review and summary, Winning before fighting is an expression of YIMEILI management and competitive strategy. It emphasizes learning from excellent external rivals or industry benchmarks, and reflecting on and summarizing one’s own processes in order to win in competition.


Goals are clear, measurable achievements or outcomes that provide direction and focus for action. Setting clear goals helps to increase motivation while helping to define an action plan. Ensuring that goals are measurable, achievable and aligned with values is key to achieve success.


A method is a strategy and steps to achieve a goal. It involves the selection and application of appropriate tools, techniques and resources to achieve the desired results. Determining the appropriate methodology requires an in-depth understanding of the objectives and an assessment of feasibility and effectiveness. Flexibility is also important, it’s necessary to adjust the way to the situation.


Struggle is the act of working hard, striving and persevering in the pursuit of a goal. It involves hard work, overcoming obstacles and maintaining a positive attitude. Struggle is a key element of success and requires persistence, determination and adaptability. In the face of challenges and adversity, Struggle can help people overcome difficulties and push forward.


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Material Procurement and Supply Chain Management

YIMEILI Jewelry focuses on material Procurement and supply chain management. It ensures that raw materials for jewelry come from sources, which are responsible and sustainable.This includes using recognized suppliers of minerals and gemstones and adhering to guidelines for transparency in mineral sourcing and human rights protection.

Environmentally friendly production practices

Sustainable YIMEILI adopts environmentally friendly manufacturing practices to minimize negative impacts on the environment. This includes conserving energy and water resources, reducing the generation of waste and pollutants, and using environmentally friendly chemicals and materials.

Labor rights and social responsibility

YIMEILI values labor rights and social responsibility. They are committed to ensuring that workers receive fair wages and working conditions and prohibit child and forced labor. In addition, they actively support community development and the welfare of local societies.

Transparency and accreditation

YIMEILI focuses on transparency and certification. They provide information about the origin and supply chain of their products so that consumers can understand the back story of their products. In addition, the jewelry brand has obtained relevant certifications such as CQC, ISO9001 certification.

Education and consumer awareness

YIMEILI is committed to consumer awareness and education. They communicate the value and importance of sustainability to consumers through transparency, story sharing and communication channels. Consumer purchasing decisions and support can drive the industry in a more sustainable direction.

Circular economy and reuse

YIMEILI encourages a circular economy and reuse. They promote the recycling and reuse of jewelry to reduce the need for new resources and to reduce the generation of waste.

Social investment and give back

YIMEILI jewelry brand is active in social investment and giving back. They support community projects, charities and environmental organizations to promote social and environmental improvements.

Overall, Sustainable YIMEILI pursues a balance between the economy, the environment and society, focusing on the responsible sourcing and use of resources, as well as the protection of labor rights and the fulfillment of social responsibilities. These efforts are aimed at ensuring the long-term benefits of the jewelry industry for people and the planet.